Tip 2: Movies, Popcorn, and Raisinets -Series 25 Tips to Staying Connected As A Family This Holiday Season


We have been home a lot this year. Because of that which shall not be named anywhere in these articles (my Harry Potter fans will get this). So in these blog tips we will be looking mostly at things to do indoors at home or safely outside. Many of us look forward to holiday movies. Whether you are a hallmark watcher, holiday classic gazer, musical lover, action viewer, or fun cartooner. There are quite a few choices. I always remember my parents watching a handful of movies and shows. Although, some had nothing to do with the holiday, it brought them nostalgia of their youthful holiday celebrations. Some of those classics were my first black and white television experiences. For example, “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

Make movie night extra special this year, perhaps an ugly sweater movie night. Bring your favorite movie snack. Take turns with your favorite movie. Remember be open and enthusiastic about one another’s choices. If it is not a movie you like, change perspective. Look at what is positive or unrealistic about it. Maybe the food looks delicious, decorations are lovely. Maybe the outfits are fun, or maybe a character reminds you of someone. Give the movie another chance. We all can use an extra boost of positivity and encouragement, especially this year.

I have included a link below featuring popular holiday movies. There are a few movies to add to my own personal watchlist. Many are Christmas related, but some are strictly surrounding the holiday season. For example, “Die Hard”. You are not limited to any specific holiday movie. Feel free to comment and share movies that remind you of holidays with your family. Have fun watching! Happy Holidays and Breathe Easy…
