Tip 6: Cookie Time!!-Series 25 Tips to Staying Connected As A Family This Holiday Season


It’s cookie time! It’s cookie time! Baking holiday cookies is a must. There have been so many posts as of late of cookie creations. I recently made spritz cookies with my little one. It was so much fun! We added the different holiday shapes to our cookie press, and started pressing. I have included the recipe if interested. The dough was delicious.

Many people are opting out willingly or due to restrictions, of meeting in the same home this holiday, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share our homemade goods with each other. Some families have been packing up baked goods and having a cookie drop off. This is when you bake everything in your own home, and then drive and drop off at a loved one’s home. You can still have a little of everything at your dessert table.

Whatever you choose remember to make it fun! Enjoy your cookie day. This is a tradition in many households. And it is never too late to make it one in yours. Happy Holidays and Breathe Easy…
